
Sunday, May 13, 2012


Biology - Important Terms ( C- E )

Terms Details
CytologyStudy of Cell
CryobiologyIt is the study of effect of low temperature on organisms and their preservation.
CloneClones are genetically identical individual in a population.
CardiologyStudy of Heart.
DemographyStudy of Population.
DiffusionRandom movement of molecule / ion or gases from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
DermatologyStudy of Skin.
Dendrochronolo- gy
Counting and analysing annual growth rings of  tree to know its age.
EcologyStudy of inter-relationship between living and their environment.
EvolutionStudy of origin of life, variation and formation fo new species.
EmbryologyStudy of fertilization of egg, formation of zygote and development of embryo.
EugenicsStudy of factors connected with the improvement of human race.
EuthenicsStudy of environmental condition that contribute to the improvement of human beings.
EuphenicsTreatment of defective  in heredity through genetics engineering.
EthnologyStudy of science dealing with different races of human.
EthologyStudy of animal behaviour in their natured habitats.
EtiologyStudy of causative agent of disease.
EntomologyStudy of insects.
ExobiologyStudy of possibility of life in space.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Indian History : Ancient India :  -   Harappan  / Indus Civilization (2500 BC - 1750 BC) : -  

  • The most appropriate name - Harappan Civilization (Harappa - the first discovered site).
  • The most prevalent name - Indus Civilization (the largest concentration of settlement - among the Indus river valley).
  • The most accepted period - 2500 BC - 1750 BC (by Carbon-14 dating).
  • John Marshall was the first scholar to use the term "Indus Civilization".
  • The Indus Civilization belongs to Proto-Historic Period (Chalcolithic Age / Bronze Age).
  • The Indus Civilization was spread over Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Western U.P. and Northern Maharashtra.
  • Scholars generally believe that Harappa-Ghaggar-Mohenjodaro axis represents the heartland of the Indus Civilization.
  • The Northern-most site of Indus Civilization - Ropar (Sutlej) / Punjab (Earlier);Manda (Chenab) / Jammu-Kashmir (Now).
  • The Southern-most site of Indus Civilization - Bhagatrav (Kim) / Gujarat (Earlier);Daimabad (Pravara) / Maharashtra (Now).
  • The Eastern-most site of Indus Civilization - Alamgirpur (Hindon) / Uttar Pradesh.
  • The Western-most site of Indus Civilization - Sutkagendor (Dashk) / Makran Coast, Pakistan - Iran Border.
  • Capital Cities - Harappa, Mohenjodarao
  • Port Cities - Lothal, Sutkagendor, Allahdino, Balakot, Kuntasi

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Important Dates of World History : 

         B.C .
  • 776  -  First Olympiad in Greece
  • 753  -  Rome Founded
  • 490  -  Battle of Marathon; the Greeks defeated the Iranians / Persians.
  • 327-26  -  Invasion of India by Alexander, Battle of Hydaspes.
  • 221  -  Chin - Hung Ti 'Universal Emperor' in China, Great Wall of China completed.
  • 55  -  Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar, the Great Roman General.
  • 44  -  Assassination of Julius Caesar by Brutus.
  • 4  -  Birth of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Indian Polity and Constitution : Constitution - 

Constitution is the foundational law of a country which ordains the fundamental principles on which the government (or the governance) of that country is based. It lays down the framework and principal functions of various organs of the government as we as the modalities of interaction between the government and its citizens. With the exception of the United Kingdom (U.K.), almost all democratic countries possess a written constitution. India also possesses an elaborate written constitution which was enacted by a constituent assembly specifically set up for the purpose.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Firsts in India (Male) : 

  • First Governor of Bengal  -  Lord Clive (1757-60)

  • Last Governor of Bengal  -  Warren Hastings (1772-74)

  • First Governor General of Bengal  -  Warren Hastings (1774-85)

  • First Governor General of India  -  Lord William Bentic (1833-35)

  • Last Governor General of India  -  Lord Canning (1856-62)

  • First Viceroy of India  -  Lord Canning (1856-62)

  • First President of Indian National Congress  -  W.C. Banerjee

  • First Indian Governor General of Independent India  -  C.Rajgopalachari (21.06.1948 - 25.01.1950)

  • First Indian to pass ICS  -  Surendra Nath Banerjee

  • First Indian I.C.S. Officer  -  Satyendra Nath Tagore

  • First Governor General of India (after independence)  -  Lord Louis Mountbatten (15 Aug, 1947 - 20 June, 1948)

  • First Indian Cosmonaut (to go into space)  -  Sqn. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma

  • First temporary President of the Constituent Assembly  -  Dr. Sachchida Nand Sinha

  • First Commander-in-Chief of Free India  -  General K.M. Cariappa

  • First Indian Nobel Laureate  -  Rabindra Nath Tagore

  • First Indian Judge of the International Court of Justice  -  Dr. Nagendra Singh

  • First Indian to get Bharat Ratna Award  -  Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

  • First Field Marshal  -  General S.F.J. Manekshaw

  • First President of Constituent Assembly  -  Dr. Rajendra Prasad

  • First Indian to swim across English Channel  -  Mihir Sen

Friday, April 13, 2012


Geography - Galaxy : 

  • A Galaxy is a vast system of billions of stars, which also contains a large number of gas clouds (mainly of hydrogen gas) and dust, isolated in space from similar systems.

  • There are about 100 billion galaxies (1011 Galaxies) in the Universe, and each galaxy has, on an average, 100 billion stars (1011 Stars). So , the total number of stars in the Universe is 1022 stars.

  • The Milky Way Galaxy is the home of the Earth and our Solar System. It is spiral in shape.

  • Milky Way Galaxy was formed 5 billion years after the Big Bang.

  • Latest Known Galaxy is the Dwarf Galaxy.

  • According to the modern thought, Universe can be classified into two parts namely  - (a) Atmosphere and (b) Space.

  • Origin of the Universe is explained by the Big Bang Theory, formulated and proposed by the Belgian astronomer and cosmologist Georges Lemaitre.

  • Andromeda is our nearest galaxy.


Geography - Universe : 

  • The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the contents of intergalactic space.

  • The study of Universe is known as Cosmology. Cosmology = cosmos (universe) + logos (science)

  • The Universe has no limit.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


BIOLOGY - Important Terms :

  • Anatomy: Study of internal structure of organism.

  • Agrology: Soil science dealing specially with production of crop.

  • Agronomy: Science of soil management and production of crop.

  • Agrostology: Study of grass.

  • Arthrology: Study of joints.

  • Apiculture: Rearing of honey bee for honey.

  • Anthropology: Study of origin, development and relationship between the culture of past and present human.

  • Anthology: Study of flower and flowering plant.

  • Angiology: Study of blood vascular system including arteries and veins.

  • Andrology: Study of male reproductive organ.

  • Bryology: Study of Bryophytes

  • Biometrics: Statical study of Biological problem.

  • Biomedical Engineering: Production and designing of spare part for overcoming various defects in man e.g. artificial limbs, Iron lung, Pacemaker etc.

  • Biotechnology: Technology concerned with living beings for wilful manipulation on molecular level.

  • Bacteriology: Study of Bacteria.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Biology - Branch of science in which living beings are studied.

Bios = Life & Logos = Study. Therefore study of life is called biology. The term biology was first coined by Lamarck and Treviranus in the year 1801. Biology has two main branch.

  1. Botany: Study of various aspects of plants. Theophrastus is known as father of Botany.

  2. Zoology: Study of various aspects of animals. Aristotle is called father of Zoology as well as Biology.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Indian Economy became the fourth largest economy of the world as per the latest report of World Bank. However, Indian Economy is still lagging behind in many spheres. In India, in 2008, 58% of total working populace was engaged in agriculture and its contribution to national income was 17.5%. This is an indicator of backwardness of the economy. In UK and USA, only 1 and 4% of the working population is engaged in agriculture, in France, the population is about 7%; and i Australia, this is about 6%. It is only in backward and less developed countries that the working population engaged in agriculture is quite high.

After independence, the basic economic structure of the country has become more powerful. n quantitative terms there has been substantial development. The annual growth rate, however was 8.0% during 2008-09.

Main characteristics and various aspect of Indian Economy are:
  1. Agrarian Economy : Even after six-decades of independence, 58% of the work force of India is still agriculturist and its contribution to Gross National Product (GNP) is approximately 17.5%.
  2. Mixed Economy : Indian Economy is a unique blend of public and private sector, i.e. a mixed economy. In its entire plan period, the government has invested 45% capital in public sector. However major sources and resources of production are still in the hands of private sector (approximately 80%). After liberalization, Indian Economy is going ahead as a capitalist economy or market economy.
  3. Developing Economy : The following facts show that Indian Economy is a developing economy:
    1. National income of India is very low on international standard and per capita income ($1180 in 2009) is much low in India as compared to other developed countries.
    2. India currently has 260 million people or 26.1% population living below Poverty Line.
    3. Level of unemployment is very high. Unemployment in India is mainly structural i nature because the productive capacity is inadequate to create sufficient number of jobs. There is an acute problem of disguised unemployment in the rural areas. A person is considered employed if he / she works for 273 days of a year for eight hours every day.
    4. Savings are low in India due to low national income and high consumption expenditure. The low savings results in shortage of capital formation. Capital is an important factor of production.
    5. India is the second most populated country  of the world. During 1991-2001, population increased by 21.34%. With this high growth rate of population about 1.7 crore new persons are being added to Indian population every year. According to 2001 census, the total Indian population stands at a high level of 102.7 crore which is 16.7% of world's total population. To maintain 16.7% of world population Indian holds only 2.42% of total land area of the world. 
    6. India lacks in large industrialization based on modern and advanced technology, which fails to accelerate the pace of development in the economy.
Note: There has been lack of capital and resources during the recent years, but here it is gratifying to note that Gross Domestic Savings of India in 2008 had reached a high level of 38.0% and Gross capital formation was 39.7%


  • The World Bank in its World Development Report (2010) classifieds the various countries on the basis of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. [GNI is the same as GNP (Gross National Product) used earlier by World Bank]

  • India with its population of 1,117 million in 2009 and with its per capita income of $1180 is among the poorest of the economics of the world. It had a share 17.4% in world population, but accounts for only 2.3% of world GNI on exchange rate basis.

  • On PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) basis, India with a per capita GNI of $3,768 continues to be in group of lower middle income economics, but with an acceleration in its growth rate of GDP to an average of 8.0% during 2000 and 2009, India is supposed to enter the group of upper middle income countries, very soon.

  • China has already entered the upper middle income group.

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